Taking Action on Addiction (TAOA) is not a crisis service but we know our campaign will reach those who are desperately struggling.

Use the following contacts to find the most appropriate services.

Immediate and 24/7 contacts


If you need urgent and immediate support - paricularly if you are feeling suicidal - you can call the Samaritans (free). The Samaritans os the UK’s most popular listening-ear service. 

Phone: 116 123 

Website: www.samaritans.org

HopeLine UK

You can also contact HopeLine UK (supported by Papyrus – for the prevention of young suicide) on 0800 068 4141. This is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Emergency services 

For any sort of life-threatening emergency, including harm to others, call the emergency services...

Phone: 999

Non-emergency support

GP, local health providers and NHS 111 

Your GP, pharmacist or local health service is the best place to start for non-emergency (non-medical) queries. Your NHS record will help to ensure you get joined-up care between your GP and your NHS provider. 

If you need out-of-hours help 

Call the NHS 111 number if you're experiencing complex problems caused by a new or an existing medical condition. Also use 111 if you need to discuss an ongoing care plan or need an emergency prescription.

Phone: 111 

Website: NHS 111

Reach Out (managed by The Forward Trust) - a confidential online chat service  

Reach Out offers a confidential online chat service, which has real people trained and ready to support you with worries or concerns about alcohol, drugs or gambling, and also related issues including housing, mental health and employment. If you're aged 16 and over and have concerns about substance use, gambling or other related issues, please do click on the link below. 

The service isn't just for people experiencing addiction firsthand. In 2023, for instance,18% of people reaching out for support were from loved ones concerned about someone else living with drug or alcohol use.

Website: Reach Out

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