Addiction Awareness Week
30 November - 7 December '24

A campaign is not a campaign until people join in and support the goals. That's why we invite you to play your part in our most prominent week of the year: our Taking Action on Addiction (TAOA) campaign. Let's gather momentum and together, we can truly bring about the change we want to see - for those people still in addiction, for those in recovery, their family, friends and colleagues, and for YOU.

Watch our new campaign film for 2024, 'Recovery Is Possible'

#AAW24 focuses on sharing new, compelling and emotional stories of addiction and recovery into the public domain to breakthrough the associated stigma and to help everyone understand that it is a mental health condition - an illness. Through new research, community and high-profile events and bold storytelling, Addiction Awareness Week will help to elevate the voices of everyone struggling in silence.  

This year’s campaign theme, 'Addiction Affects Everyone BUT Recovery Is Possible', highlights that addiction isn't just felt by those challenged by it directly but by the many people who orbit those with the illness. BUT, (and the 'but' is important), there really IS hope for those struggling and there ARE many people who perfectly illustrate that recovery is possible. Every one who has moved out of addiction and into recovery has their own journey and experiences. There is no 'perfect' journey but passing from addiction and into recovery builds each person's recovery story in a way that best suits them. Our Addiction Awareness film proves this.

The truth is: Everybody Knows Somebody. And this is enough to raise the levels of compassion and understanding for those who are 'there'.

Support on social media

Download and use our #AAW24 Social Media Toolkit

Our supporters

Our Patron, HRH The Princess of Wales, first launched Taking Action on Addiction in 2021. Since then, we have continued to grow and develop a national campaign. 

We are proud of all our ambassadors and supporters who continue to share our important message - Addiction Affects Everyone BUT Recovery Is Possible.

Campaign highlights

Ipsos Survey Results 2024


Your stories


"Addiction is a serious mental health condition that can happen to anyone, no matter what age, gender, race or nationality. I want you to know that this is also a serious health condition. Please do not let shame hold you back from getting the help you so desperately need."

HRH, The Princess of Wales

"It was just easier to accept that I was an alcoholic and addict. I could see that there was another life available to me."

Bryony Gordon

"There wasn’t anything in place around why I was actually in prison – I had no counselling so I just did my time and came out to another six years of hell getting to the end of the my drinking… I’m so grateful now that I have a 12-step program."

Tony Adams

"This campaign seeks to reverse the myths that surround addiction across our society, so it can become normal for people to seek help or treatment, and receive the help needed as early as possible."

Mike Trace CEO, The Forward Trust / Taking Action on Addiction

Find out about our new campaign activities including how you can get involved in community events, social media and lending your voice to effect change.

Sign up to our campaign

Delivered direct to your inbox, our monthly newsletter includes inspiring real-life stories of recovery, media news and our latest campaign updates.

Our partners

Amy Winehouse Foundation Favor UK Forward Trust Kaleidescope Music Support Nacoa Phoenix Futures Steps 2 Recovery visible Recovery